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In Jouy-lès-Reims, in heart of the Petite Montagne de Reims, Pierre and Philippe Aubry, descendants of a line of winegrowers since 1790, have engaged in a real work of memory by deciding to bring back to life some of the old and lost grape varieties, formerly cultivated in Champagne.
Endowed with solid knowledge - Pierre, œnologist, is a graduate of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Agronomie de Montpellier, Philippe studied biology- and the experience acquired from their father, the two adventurers of taste have thus won their bet: to combine the classic with the original. They know how to produce a range of wines for amateurs in search of a high and permanent expression of champagne, as well as a selection of rare vintages. This collection reflects even more than a house spirit, a real philosophy that can be summed up in a few principles: rigor, respect for tradition, originality and creativity.
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