The history of Babbi is the history of a family
In the heart of Romagna, a region rich in tradition and gastronomic culture, Attilio Babbi founded the Azienda Dolciaria Babbi in 1952, dedicated to the production of cones, wafers and semi-finished products for master ice cream makers.

Thanks to the absolutely genuine raw materials and the freshness of the ingredients used, Babbi soon became the point of reference for artisanal ice cream masters.
The confectionery department was created a few years later, when Grandfather Attilio had the brilliant intuition to take advantage of the winter months to introduce a new production line in the company.

From the very beginning, Babbi's positioning was far from the already rich mass markets, and it dedicated itself to the creation of "unique and unrepeatable confectionery specialties" through the use of noble, refined, genuine raw materials and a long and careful artisanal process.
From this principle, the Viennese Wafers and Waferini were born, today known and appreciated throughout the world.

“… my Viennese, my wafers, are the result of constant research, continuous experimentation, serious application, which has been able to transform noble ingredients into unique specialties…”
– Attilio Babbi –

After several years of experience in the sector, at the end of the 1940s, he began producing the first ingredients for artisanal ice creams in the heart of Cesena with the aim of brightening up the summer walks of adults and children throughout Romagna, until he founded, in 1952, the Azienda Dolciaria Babbi dedicated to the production of cones, wafers and semi-finished products for master ice cream makers.

In the following years, Grandfather Attilio was joined in the management by his son Giulio who developed the sales network even outside the territory of origin, until reaching his grandchildren Carlo, Gianni and Piero who, in addition to developing the traditional business, created a new division within the company, starting to produce ice creams and exquisite desserts, so exclusive and imaginative that they deserved the title of "legend of Italian ice cream".

Our Purpose
To contribute to people's happiness by spreading small daily pleasures

Our Vision
To be recognized as a unique company that leaves a mark on people's lives.
For us, uniqueness means being a company that respects its employees and the territory in which it operates, that values ​​people and their talents, trustworthy and confident in others, serious towards its partners, loyal to competitors, strongly anchored to traditions and origins, a place where everyone can feel part of a family

Our Mission

To be a reference in the art of quality production of Ingredients for Ice Cream and Pastry, Wafer Cones and Confectionery Specialties.

To build our business with the same honesty and integrity with which we make our products.

To bring our products and services through our people to all areas of the world.

To operate in compliance with our quality policy and national and international regulations.

To guide strategic choices taking care of the environmental and social impact of our actions

To have constant attention to the work environment and people's needs

To guarantee fair treatment of employees by recognizing each person's value.

Only starting from quality can we aim for perfection
For Babbi, the quality of its products is a fundamental principle, which is why the company carries out a constant and almost obsessive selection of materials.

Quality is a fundamental principle for Babbi and has always been throughout its 70-year history. Babbi has sometimes adopted conservative strategies, but always with the aim of defending its consumers and offering a fresh and unique product at any time of the autumn/winter season: the “perfect dessert”. Heat is the enemy of quality and this is why, to guarantee the exclusive experience of our wafer-based products, we want the products to no longer be present in stores during the summer season. The pleasure of living an exclusive taste experience cannot be exchanged for the sale of a few more packages.

In addition to the qualitative aspect of the product, the company pays great attention to its consumers, their eating habits, their requests, which are constantly evolving for both health and cultural needs.
Many products are gluten-free and have been certified and included in the AIC (Italian Celiac Association) handbook; the company has also obtained the VEGAN OK certification for products suitable for a Vegan diet, the Kosher Certification and the Halal certification (HQC).