Balvenie was built on a 12-acre site adjacent to Glenfiddich in 1892/3. Originally known as Glen Gordon, it was named after the huge ruined castle that stood next door. The ‘new’ castle, already abandoned by 1893, was converted into a malting house. The distillery supplied spirits, mainly for Grant’s Standfast blend, until 1973, when the first official bottling took place. Its continued requirements as a contributor to blends initially limited its growth as a stand-alone brand, although they did increase its cult status. It was only with the construction of Ailsa Bay that larger stocks were finally made available. It is now one of the fastest growing single malt brands in the world.

Balvenie is the only distillery in the Scottish Highlands that still grows and malts some of its own barley. After steeping the barley in spring water from the hills above the distillery, the barley is pushed onto the traditional malting floor, where the maltsters turn it by hand until it is ready for the kiln, where it is dried using anthracite and a carefully judged amount of peat. The stills have a bulge or boiling ball at the base of the swan’s neck, which allows the vapours more time to mix before they continue to the head. The casks are prepared and maintained by a team of expert coopers.