The inspiration comes to life from the streets of the so-called “Cradle of the Renaissance”: Florence. A city like no other, where at every step you can breathe the soul of history thanks to works of art of architecture, sculpture and painting that enchant the world. Impavid Gin retraces the footsteps of the brilliant artists who have made the history of this city and transports them into the world of beverages, to give life to a renaissance of taste that speaks of Italian excellence with every sip.

What the Renaissance artists did to create their magnificent sculptures, is what Impavid Gin has tried to do with its refined packaging. Brilliant sculptors carved the precious marble as if it were living matter, to extract faces, bodies and details that seem to deceive us and come to life before our eyes. This is where the creative inspiration behind the design of the Impavid Gin bottles comes from: more than simple containers, jewel-bottles in very white glass that celebrate the talent of Renaissance artists and recall pure marble. Packaging that becomes a design element to be kept in a place of honor on the shelves of your home.

What lies behind every artistic masterpiece is the desire to always aim higher, towards the search for absolute perfection. It is that desire to fill the world with beauty, to remind man of what he can be capable of and to write a new page in the great book of Italian history. These same ideals inspired Bonasi Brand in the creation of Impavid Gin: not just a simple gin, but the most valuable Italian gin ever. A high but not unattainable expectation, thanks to Bonasi Brand's natural inclination for the world of great wines and spirits and the talent of the best researchers and distillers from all over Italy, artists of the modern era.