In operation since 1918 and annexed to the sugar factory of the same name, it was the state distillery of Trinidad. In fact, the Caroni distillery was the most important competitor of the Demerara Distillers in Guyana, the only other distillery producing extremely aromatic rums for sale in barrels. In 2001, the government decided to stop producing cane sugar in Trinidad and consequently the distillery was closed. This decision was highly contested because it put thousands of workers involved in growing and harvesting sugar cane out of work. The distillery was then put into liquidation, continuing a micro-business of bottling (done by hand) the Caroni Puncheon brand. In 2004, during a trip with the photographer Fredi Marcarini, Luca Gargano arrived in Trinidad to visit the two distilleries that were still in operation: Caroni and Angostura. Thus he discovered the existence of the still preserved Caroni barrels, reviving a legendary rum.

Production method
Since 1980, Caroni has been distilling with a quadruple continuous column, with a double Blairs column and a small copper pot still. Always famous for its heavy rums, it bottled limited quantities of product for the local market, but the bulk of the work was the sale of its heavy rums in bulks to improve the blends of local and international producers.