Behind the Delaviuda brand that we know today lies a humble and family origin
A fact that marks our way of seeing things and that makes us believe, even more, that the artisanal production of the products unites us with our roots.

It was the year 1927, when Manuel López and María Rojas opened a small confectionery in the province of Toledo
D. Manuel, who had learned the trade from a very young age, thus continued a family tradition.

The confectionery gradually gained the trust of its customers. But, as in life, difficulties appear when least expected, and in 1939 D. Manuel died.

Dª María, a widow with two children, continued the family business. With her effort and tenacity she not only managed to keep the confectionery going, but also made it increasingly popular.

More and more customers appreciated her know-how
And it is precisely these, who little by little created the brand every time they went looking for the sweets "from the Widow".

Today, following the family tradition and respect for artisanal production, La Confitería Delaviuda offers the most complete range of sweets, products with which to travel back in time, and savour the magic of La Confitería's recipes.

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