Sassolino was born in 1804 when the Swiss Bazzigher moved to Sassuolo with some compatriots, many of whom were apothecaries or grocers. By distilling Chinese star anise, he obtained an excellent liqueur that was a great success. His company passed to the Fasciati family and, later, to the Stampa brothers who gave the infusion the name by which it is currently known: Sassolino. It later became the property of the Chicchi family to whom it has belonged for 4 generations.

Thanks also to the cadets of the Modena Military Academy, who in the second half of the nineteenth century went to Sassuolo for exercises, Sassolino spread throughout Italy, obtaining certificates and honors.

Today, Sassolino continues to be produced by distilling star anise, the fruit of the Illicium verum hook, a tree similar to laurel, native to Southern China, dried in copper stills filled with pure alcohol, with the addition of other ingredients, which only the Stampa Distillery knows and marketed at the optimal strength of 40°. Star anise has the appearance of a star formed by 6-8 oval, compressed, pointed, woody follicles, reddish brown in color, each containing a lighter seed with an aromatic aniseed smell and sweet taste. The Sassolino Stampa distillery is the sole custodian of the original Sassolino recipe. Sassolino is consumed at the end of a meal as a digestive, or in coffee, or cold or with ice. It is inimitable in the preparation of desserts to which it gives an unmistakable flavor and aroma.