The farm was founded in the year 2000

when the family was discussing whether to sell the beautiful vineyards that surround the house where I grew up.
The vineyards were acquired in the 1960s by my grandfather Generoso, who purchased the highest part of the farms located in Contrada Solagna del Titolo at the foot of Mount Vulture. Over the years, my grandfather and my great-grandfather took care of the vineyards, limiting themselves to selling the grapes and producing for personal consumption. “Six hectares are not kept as a joke” was our first impression, we were now determined to sell since my parents are both teachers and both my brothers and I saw our future far from Barile to continue our university studies. There was no shortage of interested buyers who knocked on our door, but right at the last moment I was struck by a pang. I couldn’t bear that someone would take away the vineyards from under my eyes (our house is in the middle of the vineyards) and that another name could do something great with the oldest vineyards of Vulture (most are between 55 and 60 years old, some even around 70 years old). So I decided to change my life plans and those of my family; we decided to invest in the territory and in the resource that had allowed my father and even before me my grandparents and great-grandparents to live and grow in Vulture.

the cellar

The cellar came to life with the 2000 harvest, in parallel with my university studies at the faculty of viticulture and oenology, initially supported by an external professional and since 2004 followed entirely by myself. The choice from the beginning, without any regrets, was to focus everything on a single label; the “TITLE” imagining it from the very beginning as a Serie A wine (what the French call cru). A single wine for objective reasons related to the yields of the vineyards and the quality given by the maturity of the plants; a single wine to best represent the specificity of Aglianico and the territoriality of Vulture, which offers this vine a unique expression; a mix of microclimate and terroir that in Contrada Solagna del Titolo gives one of the best possible expressions.


We started out aware that we could do an excellent job, but without great pretensions considering the great Italian wine heritage, but we still managed to carve out our visibility; visibility and satisfaction that goes beyond the recognition obtained from national and international guides but in the demonstration that past and future traveling together can make a small company like ours a large company known and appreciated throughout the world, and through the image of our territory make our region known to everyone.