Mediterranean Personality

A mosaic of all colours, a variety of aromas and flavors, a journey through  the senses, in which all the elements melt into an original and authentic unicum: this is the Essenza Mediterranea of our products.

Mediterranean, a thousand things at once

Not a landscape but countless landscapes. Not a sea but a succession of seas. It is a crossroads of hundreds of civilizations, of millions of exchanges, the Mediterranean Sea is like a big Country which 

has givenbirth  throughout history to an attitude and

to a lifestyle, to contaminated identities and to a visceral relationship between the landand its fruits.

Mediterranean Attitude

The Mediterranean style promotes a rhythm of life which is notobsessed by the rush: first of all, time dedicate to ourselves; and thentime dedicated to other people, to share a sensorial and cultural experience.

A lifestyle based on the sense of conviviality of meals and food asopportunities of hospitality and meeting.