Every plant, every tree has its own name and its own function, to tell us that every day on earth there is a miracle that helps us live.

PHILOSOPHY: Authentic Farmers

Every plant, every tree has its own name and its own function, to tell us that every day on earth there is a miracle that helps us live.

Control of the entire production chain:

We control the entire production chain starting strictly from our lands with only our men to guarantee the authenticity of each of our products as if they were intended for the nutrition of the people dearest to us.

We diversify our productions by trying to demonstrate the vocation that this territory can express, combining the old knowledge of the peasant world with the most modern technology and science, guaranteeing work all year round to our workers given the multiple needs that each production requires, thus reducing the risks inherent in a single production and respecting the rules of crop rotation so important for maintaining the natural fertility of our land.

Enhancement of the identity of our territory:
All our productions are aimed at enhancing native products of our area in order to demonstrate and affirm the value of wine, oil and pasta in the Pesaro/Marche area.

We are a solar energy company. The sun produces energy not only for the life of our plants (thanks to chlorophyll synthesis) but also for our processes.
In 2011 we created a 300 kwp photovoltaic system using only the roofs of our company buildings. In fact, we are completely against the installation of ground-based systems. The energy produced largely satisfies the needs of all our production and processing.
In 1996, in collaboration with ASSAM (Agri-food Sector Services Agency), we installed a meteorological station for the collection of climate data that are regularly put online and used by farmers in our area.
For over 10 years, nitrogenous plant fertilization has been carried out using the green manure and weed cutting technique.