It all started in 1935 when a Mr Antonino Pollio, a farm labourer after a survey of the land was able to start the production of wine, oil and rosolio that was later discarded, through his dedication and understanding of the land and with all the cultivation techniques the land was able to revive and flourish and enable him to grow and produce the lemons for the Limoncello of Sorrento.
The tradition continued with Antonino the father who, in 1972, was classified 3rd in the national competition for the fight against the cochineal parasite, that fed on the sap of the fruit trees. Since then the family has cultivated the land to enable it to revive and flourish with todays results of producing lemons.

The deep faith of the Pollio family has created a strong bond with the religious world; in fact the first crop was offered to the Prior of the convent of Saint Francis which has always been a spiritual guide for the family. Uncle Peppino the older brother even had the image of Saint Francis stamped on the wine vats for good luck. The close knit Pollio family have passed down through the generations their love and respect for all that the land and nature has to offer.

Commercial farm. The farm today is run by Peppe Pollio, the only son who from the age of 15 was already showing an interest and accompanied his father. He eventually became an independent farmer so followed his passion combining nature and farming. During the 1990’s he decided to expand by bottling wine followed by olive oil this gradually increased to become the total production and in 1995 they were able to transform the lemons into the highly successful Limoncello.
The Pollio family with their love and respect for nature has enabled them to manage the Annuziata fund, a fund that in 2014 was the begining of a new project of organic farming. Aimed at the production of organic oil and limoncello with particular attention devoted to the care and quality of the soil,the priority being given to preserve the maximum genuiness of it’s products.