It was the early 1900s when my grandfather Guido decided to undertake the activity that would mark the future of the Vezzoli family: bread making. Grandfather Guido, supported by grandmother Luigia, decided to open a small shop in Zandobbio, a small village in the province of Bergamo. Having passed the baton to my father Emanuele and my mother Gianna, the business continued throughout the 1900s. At the end of the 1900s, my wife Laura and I decided to make a radical change to the family business, creating what is now “In Croissanteria Lab”. It was from there that with great dedication I decided to specialize in the world of leavened products, thus arriving, after countless tests, to give life to “Italo Vezzoli’s panettone”, a leavened product of the highest quality brought to a technical evolution that makes it a unique product! In all these years I have always maintained the tenacity, rigor and curiosity that have always characterized me, always avoiding shortcuts... this is exactly what we Vezzoli have passed down in all these years.

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