La Fontaine is today the best known of the seventeenth-century French poets, and was in his time, if not the most admired, at least the most read, especially thanks to his Contes and his Fables. A moralist, not moralists, he looks with lucidity at the relationships of power and all human nature, without forgetting to please in order to educate. He was born in the Champagne region (Vallee de la Marne) near Charly Sur Marne (Chateau-Thierry) into a bourgeois family. It is said that one of his masterpieces "Le Coche et la Mouche" was written while he was crossing our vineyards on his way to Paris. The BARON ALBERT Family has decided to create a line of Champagne dedicated to this famous fable writer. Champagne Jean de la Fontaine has practices that respect the soil, water, air and biodiversity on the entire vineyard. The 55.85 hectares cultivated are located in 7 villages: Charly-sur-Marne, Pavant, Porteron, Domptin, Azy-sur-Marne, Villiers Saint Denis, Crouttes-sur-Marne.