Emo capodilista family

The History of Count Emo Capodilista, wines and family

The family Emo is one of the founders of the Serenissima Republic of Venice.

This family gave to the Republic Procuratori di San Marco, Governors, Dukes of Candia, Admirals: we want to remember here Angelo Emo, Last Great Admiral of the Republic who forced in 1785 the Bey of Tunis to surrender, by bombing Sfax and Goletta with the admirable invention of the floating rafts.

At the end of the Republic Leonardo Emo, married Beatrice Capodilista, the last of her family, and her surname was added at the family name.

The Capodilista family went to Veneto following Charles The Great in the nine century. In this period the family obtained the title of Counts and the property of many lands, fighting against Desiderio, last king of Lombard.

Giovan Francesco Capodilista, during the Basilea Council (1431), present there as Ambassador of the Serenissima, made someone paint in miniature the Capodilista Code, with the knights of the family, nowadays represented on the wine labels.
He also got the title of Count Palatine by the Emperor Sigismund.

In the 1864 Leonardo Emo Capodilista brought together and donated the two paintings galleries of the families to Padua: 543 artworks including some masterpieces you can still admire inside the  museums of the city. Moreover  the family entrusted to the City the wooden horse by Donatello, preserved in the Palazzo della Ragione.

Giorgio Emo Capodilista, great-grandfather of the current owner, commanded the Cavalry Brigade of Genoa and Novara to the charge against the Austro-Hungarians in the glorious defense of Pozzuolo del Friuli, which was the beginning of the rescue during the First World War.

He married Francesca Zileri dal Verme, grandaughter of Maria Carolina di Borbone di Sicilia, Duchess of Berry and their son, Alvise, naval official in World War II, was sent on a secret mission by the Princess of Piedmont in Portugal to demand the surrender with conditions to allies.

He first married with Enriqueta Alvares Pereira de Mello del Duca di Cadaval and their first born son Umberto, godson of King Umberto di Savoia, who died in 2010, was Senator of the Republic and President of the Venetian and European farmers.

From the marriage with Marina de Raho dei Baroni di Cassineto, was born Giordano, who rapresents the senjor branch of the 22nd generation and actually runs the estate.

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