Letrari is history, it is territory, it is wine culture passed down from generation to generation. We put all our experience into each bottle to offer great quality both in the bubbles and in our classic wines.
Variety and typicality
The Letrari farm, with its 12 hectares of vineyards located in different locations of the Vallagarina, is located in the modern and functional cellar of Rovereto, faithful in appearance to the rural architecture of Trentino and surrounded by a large garden of Mediterranean species. It is open to visitors all year round and offers tourists the opportunity to learn the secrets of the art of winemaking by retracing the stages of the transformation of grapes into wine. It can accommodate, upon reservation, guided group tours with the possibility of tasting, lunch and a visit to the vineyards.

Connoisseurs of good drinking
Letrari is a family that has its roots in the history of Trentino wine itself. Already active in 1647 in Borghetto d’Avio, on the banks of the Adige, first as river raftsmen, then traders and then as astute agricultural innovators, they found their pinnacle with Leonello Letrari.
Immediately on the wine scene of good drinking, it is thanks to him that in the immediate post-war period the wines of the Dolomites acquired character and prestige beyond the regional borders.

It is always him who “creates” the first blends and in the 1960s he begins to produce fine sparkling wines. Then in 1976 he founded - together with his wife Maria Vittoria - the current family business.