
100 days of uninterrupted work, 24 hours per day, from September to December, during which tons of freshly selected pomace is distilled each day. This pomace comes from the best autochthonous classical vineyards of Trentino, planted in soils where climatic conditions are optimal for their cultivation. The raw material is initially carefully selected and controlled by Andrea Marzadro. The pomace is brought to the Distillery wort-dripping to preserve the organoleptic characteristics of the vineyard of origin. In this manner, the fragrances and aromas are maintained, and then enhanced with efficient conservation systems, to keep the intensity intact.
The distillation takes place in alembics using the traditional “discontinuous bain-marie” system belonging to the Trentino culture. The alembics are hand-made out of copper and, thanks to the properties of this metal, an excellent heat conductor, the characteristically peculiar fragrances and aromas are enhanced to their maximum. Each phase of the Grappa production is monitored through a computerised control system which does not allow the pomace to undergo sudden changes in heat, thus maintaining a constant temperature, which is what makes Marzadro Grappas so smooth and fragrant. Sophisticated technology and artisan care thus fuse harmonically to guarantee an absolutely superior quality.

Quality guarantee

The Marzadro Grappas are distinguished for their difference in taste and aroma, all while representing finesse and personality, as common denominators of high quality products, obtained by the pomace of local classical vineyards. The Grappa is carefully analysed by the Istituto Tutela Grappa del Trentino, a competent official body guaranteeing the quality of the product, that has been created in 1968 in the Province of Trento with the goal to protect and promote real Trentino Grappa. The Institute is responsible for controlling the origin of the pomace and the production phases that guarantee the quality of the Grappa.
The entire activity is carried out in collaboration with the Istituto Agrario San Michele all’Adige (Agricultural Institute of San Michele all’Adige) and the Chamber of Commerce of Trento that take care of respectively carrying out the laboratory and organoleptic exams, in order to certify the clearness, harmony of fragrances, smoothness and typical taste of the Grappa. Rigorous vigilance and control, therefore, that have conferred on Marzadro Grappas the title of certified high quality distillates, complying with all prescribed processes and respecting all required parameters.