A family of constructors

Everything dates back to Armand Grumier, the great grandfather who was the first one to elaborate his own champagne in 1928, yet the Grumier family have been winegrowers since the 18th century. His wife Aline used to help him on the estate until the second world war.

When he returned from the war in 1945, Maurice took over the estate of 2 hectares which then became the Champagne Maurice Grumier.

Back in Maurice’s days, only one vintage was produced and it was available in brut, semi- dry and dry. The grape variety almost exclusively included some Meunier and only a few Pinots noirs.

A fast-paced development

When he was barely above 20, Guy took over the estate after his father Maurice died. He planted the first white grape varieties of the estate, he invested in the latest material for the time, he fitted the winery and expanded the vineyards which grew from 2 to 6 hectares planted by himself to a large extent.

Guy and his wife Françoise innovated and created new vintages in the 80’s and so far the customers have just poured into the estate.

Fabien follows the impetus given by his father. Driven by the same passion as his ancestors, he naturally followed the same path. An instinctive and logical choice, he never sought to do something else. Guided by sustainable and respectful convictions for the environment, he has striven towards the development of the house with a long transition carried out by Guy.

The Grumier family were predestined to be winegrowers. They have always been naturally inspired by their love of the land and the vineyard. This is an evidence transmitted from a generation to another and today it is proudly embodied by Fabien, who is the twelfth generation in this long line of constructors.

Some new sensations

Fabien represents the fourth generation of harvest -handlers. He has run the estate since 2006, with the support of Helen, his wife.

Naturally restless, Fabien has decided to work with barrels for several years. He has never stopped experimenting and trying new things, woodworking is part of these. According to him, wood is a living material: there is some life inside the barrels, the wine breathes and expresses itself. Wood has a particular touch and a specific smell with fascinating sensations emanating from it. The wood material has got its own blood vessel just as Fabien’s.

Every single material is the expression of a sensation for Fabien. Fabien calls upon all his senses, he smells, listens, observes, touches and tastes everything wood and stainless steel can generate in the wines. Wood brings about richness and complexity and stainless steel brings freshness and tension.
The soil also determines a certain aromatic profile, and the grape varieties reveal their properties at the time of their transformation into wine.

Fabien develops this constant work with power and temerity in order to relay these sensations in refined and rich Champagnes.