In our family, as in every traditional Italian family, the kitchen was the beating heart of the house. It was 1892, a time when pots rumbled on the stove for long hours and soups and sauces slowly puffed; and it was there that Nonna Dosolina churned out her delicacies, moving with great dexterity from roasts and flans to unsurpassed desserts.

She loved to experiment and her somewhat alchemist soul led her to try her hand at distillates and bitters of various kinds, because all that goodness that arrived on the table had to be digested!

And so, fiddling between one still and another, new liqueurs were born. One in particular, she did extremely well, made with apparently insignificant and not even particularly sweet fruits: it is an autumn fruit, the JUGIOLA, well known since ancient times, used in the peasant world to make jams.

What came out of his hands was a true masterpiece, a liqueur that immediately thrilled everyone and became Our Family liqueur.

Served at dinners and parties, it met with ever-increasing followers. It was said that it literally sent people into “brodo di giuggiole®”. ENLIGHTENING! OR RATHER PROPHETIC! Over the years we decided to make this exclusive liqueur known both in Italy and abroad, maintaining the original recipe and naming it BRODO DI GIUGGIOLE®, with clear references to the well-known expression that indicates a state of contentment and happiness.

It didn’t take long to conquer both the national and international markets, thanks also to the very special patented bottle in a case, highly sought after today by collectors of the genre.

And since then, the success of this liqueur continues with ever-increasing interest. It has conquered the four cardinal points of the globe with, curiously, Japan at the top. Japanese women seem to like it a lot; who knows, how they say “to be over the moon” in Japanese!