To make good wine, one must think like a sculptor looking at a block of rough stone.
He sees the veins running through the material, sensing the possibility of creating a piece of art, even before starting to work on it.

More than wine: a cultural movement around Valdobbiadene Prosecco.

Nino Franco writes the first chapters of a fundamental biography with steadfast curiosity: the story of Valdobbiadene Prosecco in the most important international kitchens. From the production of the first vintage Prosecco in 1983 to the creation of a cocktail list for the Mayfair Regent Hotel in New York, Primo and Silvia bring a wine with a unique character to the world, one that is shaped by the encounter between architecture and nouvelle cuisine, between pleasure and culture.

These are wines that form a cloud in the glass when poured, just as Gualtiero Marchesi wanted. Sparkling wines with a personality similar to white pepper and an aromatic profile that recalls a fruit basket by Caravaggio. But most importantly, these are wines that are strongly rooted to their territory of origin, Valdobbiadene, where Nino Franco separately vinifies each single plot, «chiseling» sparkling wines that are the authentic expression of the territory. A production process that reached its culmination with the acquisition of Villa Barberina and the vinification of a remarkable single vineyard wine, Grave di Stecca: this is how the clos of Valdobbiadene was born.

A Prosecco that knows how to be a wine before being Prosecco. One that continues to be a wine after it has ceased to be a Prosecco. A democratic luxury, an ode to pleasure and to the culture of all that’s good. One that, after years of aging in the bottle, evolves into a profound tribute to the hills and soils of Valdobbiadene

Antonio Franco was an honest wine merchant. His son Giovanni, known as Nino, began producing sparkling wines.

But it was the “quiet revolution” of Primo Franco, Antonio’s grandson, that brought the wind of change, opening the doors of the best restaurants in the world to his Valdobbiadene Prosecco wines. Primo bravely crossed the Piave, leaving behind an agricultural world that exclusively evolved around itself.

Primo’s new wave of Prosecco – authorial, intimate and identifying – is the embodiment of his experiences: travels, encounters, meetings with chefs and gastronomes of the Nouvelle Cuisine, studies in enology and passion for architecture, as well as conversations and drinks with friends.

Today, after making history for a century, Nino Franco is the icon of Valdobbiadene Prosecco. While observing the utmost respect for his homeland, he undid – using quality and imagination – all the prejudices against an easy and standardized wine, one considered as an endowment of a rustic and pragmatic culture.