When brothers Hugh and John Stevenson arrived at the frontier of the Hebrides Islands in 1793, they found little more than a natural harbor and a windswept view. Here they opened the Oban Brewing Company, their ‘Cowbell Ale’ being the first production.

They started distilling whisky the following year.

The business remained in the Stevenson family for three generations, until local merchant Peter Cumpstie purchased it in 1830. In 1880, the railroad steamed into Oban, inaugurating a new age of improved communication and transport.

The distillery has changed ownership over the years and witnessed a bustling town grow up around it. But our fierce commitment to excellence and tradition has been constant.

In 1989, Oban 14 Year Old was named one of six Classic Malts representing the Western Highlands region.


Row just a few metres out to sea, and you can fit the entire town of Oban within the single frame of a camera. And the distillery is just a speck inside that image.

Oban is one of the smallest whisky makers in Scotland. And that’s key to the character of our products. When expansion isn’t an option and the volume we’re able to produce is limited, we stand on quality, authenticity, and heritage.