Inspired by the vibrant and extroverted coastal town from which it takes its name, Paó de Sitges Gin is a lovingly crafted spirit which reflects both the international and local nature of its home. Herbs found in the nearby Garraf National Park such as rosemary, lavender and thyme are balanced with exotic citrus led botanicals including kaffir lime and lemon verbana to capture the free-spirited and fun loving atmosphere of this Mediterranean town.

Be it the month long carnival in spring, the International Film Festival in September, its much celebrated GAY Pride or the endless parties and concerts during the summer when Sitges becomes a mecca for the party crowd, this is a place that knows how to let its hair down, or indeed how to raise its feathers up.

But the connection does not stop there.

Paó is Catalan for peacock and Sitges sits in the heart of Catalonia. This most majestic of birds, which knows exactly how to luxuriate in its own splendor, represents all that is fabulous about Sitges. People flock here from all over the world to show off their best side, to walk proudly through the cobbled streets and lie on the golden sands showing nothing less than their best selves. What better symbol for this, the most extrovert of all Spanish coastal towns than this magnificent bird?

For those with eagle eyes, one of Sitges’ historic buildings is adorned with the carving of a peacock now over 100 years old, celebrating the fable by LaFontaine about the be-feathered jay bird. For now its location will remain secret. All that remains for you is to head to the old town, order a Paó de Sitges gin and find it for yourselves.