List of products by brand POLI DISTILLERIE

Best Grappa and Alembic

The Piedmontese and Trentino distillers
believe that the best Grappa is produced using the bain-marie still; the Friulians and Venetians prefer the still with steam boilers.

At the Poli Distilleries, both are used. Why?

Each still has its own peculiar qualities

that make it suitable for the distillation
of a specific raw material.

To produce Grappa
it is necessary to know the
characteristics of the system
and the quality of the raw material,
but above all, it is necessary to have
a clear idea of ​​what style
of distillate you intend to obtain.

At the Poli Distilleries, there are two bain-marie stills in operation -

traditional and vacuum - and the ancient
copper still, with steam boilers.