Foursquare - Doorly's 5 Years - Barbados Rum - 70cl


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Foursquare - Doorly's 5 Years - Barbados Rum - 70cl

Foursquare - Doorly's 5 Years - Barbados Rum - 70cl

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1 BOTTLE X 70cl. 

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Golden in color with orange reflections. On the nose it is a classic Bajan rum. Vanilla, notes of lemon peel, and hints of toasted barrel are in perfect balance. In the mouth it is soft and creamy with hints of spices.

CL 70
Bottle format Bottle
Packaging in a cardboard box of 6
Simple typology
Alcohol content 40%
Barbados nation
Serving temperature from 18 to 22 degrees
Raw material Molasses
Aging 5 years, tropical age
