The Scaldaferro Torronificio always has primary objective to provide consumers with a natural product. Natural means that our company selects the best Italian raw materials and then uses it as an ingredient in our nougat. Each year we select the best Italian almonds, organic honeys from various Italian regions, the high-whipable albumen from free-range hens, vanilla berry, sugar refined in Italian factories or sugar cane certified integral, organic flour for the biscuits. Natural means that all products are free of dyes, preservatives, additives or other fats irrelevant to the raw material. Aromas of nougats, for example, come from the juice of the fruit used (orange and lemon processed into syrup) or directly from the raw material mixed in the dough (vanilla powdered or toasted coffee). Even the water that is used in processing is controlled, purified, dechlorinated and sweetened by powerful filters. Natural means that the packaging must meet criteria for maximum recyclability and less environmental impact. All our packs are sealed with no chemicals glues or with a plastic material but with rubberized paper totally biodegradable when the glue is extracted from plants. For many years the company, respecting the environment, has been engaged in a program to reduce emissions from heating oil and has developed a comprehensive system of recycling water used for bain-marie cooking. The Torronificio is finally committed to the dissemination of a new food culture. Every year in the workshop we receive hundreds of children from primary schools and we teach them a basic knowledge of fun sensory analysis as well as the principles of sound nutrition and a conscious consumption (reading the labels of the products and their explanation), testifying to small students and their parents that it’s possible to produce lovingly genuine products.