1 BOTTLE X 50cl
41% vol.
The philosophy
It is a journey that has lasted for over 30 years.
Going around and talking to people, you discover a lot
of things. Curiosity and interest create new ones
paths and make you go a little further.
But it all comes from a simple equation:
with the experiments I did, I understood that
the tastier the fruit, the better the product
the final. If I start from an exceptional raw material,
the only risk is to ruin it ...
all in all I do not invent anything.
The first real and great job is to produce myself
or go in search of the best raw materials.
The raw material in front of everything, then comes the rest.
The nature
The fruit we make spirits with, if I can
I grow it on my farm, divided
in 3 different plots, for a total of 4 hectares.
The raw material that does not grow well from me,
I collect it elsewhere. I have my "informants",
that show me where I can find
the best untreated fruit that grows
in its spontaneous environment.
Even water is not just any: I use that
which flows from a nearby source, Monte Grappa.
It is the fundamental ingredient that inspired me
for the creation of my spirits.
The accumulated experience has taught me
that each fruit has its ideal moment
to be caught and worked.
Therefore it must be left on the plant up to the point
quite right. This can vary from fruit to fruit,
because some give the best of themselves overripe,
while others must be caught in advance.
This fruit has no pesticides or fungicides
and produces an indigenous flora of yeasts:
we only do spontaneous fermentations
It is the first stage of my business as a distiller.
I am constantly looking for fruit varieties
different, especially the wild one
that you cannot buy.
I have always reaped the fruits of my childhood.
They are part of my memories even if often
they are ignored, because it is hard to find them
and collect them. I have to go find them
and this is the real job!
Fortunately I have friends who help me
in this phase, they sacrifice their weekends to harvest the wild pears, the gentle blackthorn, the wild berries.
For them it's great fun,
for me a certainty.
The Workings
With the use of particular machinery I reduce
pureed fruit. This procedure,
said crushing, changes according to
the type of fruit and the type of stone
that it contains.
If this is particularly bitter,
as in peaches, it must be eliminated
before distillation. There are fruits instead
which we leave to ferment together with the stones
or with a part of them. This because
I want to keep it as intact as possible
the character of the fruit itself.
Tell us your interest in this product and we will contact you for more details.