In the heart of Romagna, immersed in the splendid lands of the historic “estate of Savignano sul Rubicone”, the vineyards that surround the Castello di Ribano extend and from which the great wines of Spalletti Colonna di Paliano are born.

The estate boasts a centuries-old tradition that began in 1500, when its wines refreshed the Classensi Monks on holiday at the Castello di Ribano, 11th century. Since then, the vocation of the territory to the art of making good wine has been handed down within the family and has thus remained intact.

At the center of the Tenuta di Savignano stands the Castello di Ribano, the place where in 1875 Count Giulio Rasponi founded the winery. The estate was left as an inheritance to his daughter Eugenia who donated it to her granddaughter Countess Gabriella Rasponi.

The latter marries Count Venceslao Spalletti, from the union five children are born, one of whom Giambattista inherits the Estate and the Savignano cellar. The latter marries Countess Teresa Ruffo and Venceslao, Ludovica and Maria Luisa are born.

Countess Maria Luisa marries Prince Oddone Colonna, inherits the Estate and gives it to her only son Giovanni.

The Guidi and Baldacci family are the current owners of the Savignano estate, with foresight they have expanded the vineyard cultivations and built a new and technological cellar, previously inaugurated in 2005, a place where all the winemaking steps enjoy a perfect and rigorous harmony between them, enhancing all their best potential.