Located in Loreto Aprutino in the province of Pescara, one of the 300 most beautiful villages in Italy, it is owned by the noble family of Spanish origin of the same name, who have been producing in these areas since the seventeenth century; from generation to generation, the ownership of the winery is now in the hands of Francesco Paolo Valentini, a character of great depth, a true craftsman of wine, who loves to let his creations speak directly in the glass.

The company today extends over 65 hectares of vineyards, where the great classics of the area are grown, Trebbiano and Montepulciano d'Abruzzo.

In the vineyard the approach is highly artisanal - Francesco Paolo has his own natural philosophy that cannot be labeled with either the organic or biodynamic "logo" - and no weeding or treatments with systematic products are carried out, using only sulfur and copper.