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The story
Villa Venti is the positive story of an Italian winemaking family that believes in a future built with their own hands. On the gentle slopes of the Romagna hills beyond the Rubicone, between Roncofreddo, a secluded and enchanted medieval village, and Longiano, a small town defined as an ‘Ideal Village’ by the European Community, lives a three-generation family that, with a smile and commitment, creates unique local wines from the earth every day. The habits are just as local: the ritual of making puff pastry, picking cherries and olives, growing ancient grains that are the basis for warm donuts when you wake up and for bread, seasonal fruit to make completely natural savor and jam. Style, traditions, culture, rhythms. All in the name of craftsmanship, sharing and growth, with a conscious, sustainable and respectful way of living towards the environment, plants, vines and man. We believe in a philosophy of life that learns from nature, without stress, against waste, anti-pollution, where organic becomes essentiality without compromise.
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