Von Schubert-Grünhaus
1000 is a significant number for this company in Ruwer. 1000 also refers to the year (in reality the exact date is 966 AD) in which the Grünhaus family, the owners of the company, are mentioned for the first time. Once again, after 1000 years, the current wine cellar was built, an operation that brought to light those amphorae and tools that testify to how the Romans dedicated themselves to the production of wine here. The company vineyards, divided into 3 large sites (Abtsberg, Bruderberg and Herrenberg), give rise to wines rich in acidity and tension. The soils are characterized by blue and gray slate. In the cellar the number 1000 returns. In this case, the number refers to the capacity (1000 liters) of those barrels that, together with the steel tanks, are used in the winemaking phase. The barrels are not, as often happens in these latitudes, new, but have been used several times. The peculiarity of the ‘woods’ used by this winery is that they are obtained from trees that grow very slowly, even taking 200 years, until they develop the ideal grain to host the company’s wines. Von Schubert produces typical labels both for the fact that they are very tense, in Ruwer style, and for the fact that they have residual sugar.