Maker's Mark - Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whisky - 70cl


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Maker's Mark - Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whisky - 70cl

Maker's Mark - Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whisky - 70cl

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1 BOTTLE X 70cl - 

45% vol.

This whiskey changed the way we think about bourbon, all because one man changed the way we think about making bourbon.

Bill Samuels, Sr. simply wanted a great tasting whiskey.

Neither bitter nor strong, Maker's Mark is made with soft red winter wheat instead of the usual rye, for a bourbon with a unique flavor. To ensure consistency, we rotate each barrel by hand and age our bourbon based on flavor, not time. Each bottle of Maker's is still hand dipped in our red wax at our Loretto distillery, Ky., Just as Bill, Sr. would have liked.


Bill's recipe
The Winter Red Soft Wheat is the grain that gives Maker's Mark its flavor and protagonist of its recipe. At a time when rye, which can have an unwanted strong flavor, was the grain of choice for whiskey makers, Bill Samuels, Sr. began looking for a flavor that would make his new bourbon stand out from the crowd. After some trial and error, he found exactly what he was looking for.

Red winter wheat gives the palate the sweetness that Maker's is known for.

The limestone platform on which the distillery is located is the key to achieving the unique Maker's Mark flavor. Furthermore, we are the only distillery with its own reservoir and water source. Kentucky limestone filters iron from the water, which is unpleasant in bourbon. The pure water rich in calcium and magnesium that surrounds the still makes the drinking water better and the sour malt better in which the yeast can thrive.
