Zago Birrificio is an Italian agricultural company that grows its own raw materials in Friuli Venezia Giulia to produce a high-quality beer. The agricultural brewery is in fact different from the artisanal one in that we follow the entire production chain: from the cultivation of barley and hops in our fields in Taiedo (PN) to the actual production that takes place in our plant in Villotta di Chions. The area in which we settled was not chosen at random: in this area the water, a fundamental ingredient of beer, is particularly pure and has values ​​that make it optimal for the production of beer.
The idea of ​​creating our agricultural beers was born more than six years ago, when we started to grow two-row barley and five varieties of hops in our fields. The aim was to create a size that would allow us to malt our raw material.
Today our line consists of twelve references, all high-fermentation beers, whose maximum alcohol content does not exceed 8 degrees.